The Power of Open-Sourcing Data
Unlocking a Better Future: The Power of Open-Sourcing Data and Datasets
• AI can’t exist without open source, but top AI vendors are unwilling to commit to open-sourcing their programs and data sets.
• Governments often struggle with massive new IT projects due to culture, bureaucracy, and serving a broad patchwork of agencies.
• Open source is the cradle of artificial intelligence, and openAI and other generative AI programs are built on open-source foundations.
• Applying artificial intelligence for social good is essential for widespread deployment for societal aims.
• Data and datasets can be used to create positive human impact, improving healthcare, education, and economic outcomes.
As we stand at the crossroads of technological advancements and global challenges, addressing the betterment of humanity’s future requires a collective effort. Open-sourcing data and datasets can be a vital step towards creating a more sustainable, equitable, and interconnected world. By embracing open-source principles, we can:
1. Foster innovation: Open-source data and datasets encourage collaboration, driving innovation and reducing costs for research and development.
2. Promote transparency: Open-source data and datasets increase transparency, enabling governments, organizations, and individuals to make informed decisions and hold each other accountable.
3. Enhance accessibility: Open-source data and datasets simplify access to valuable information, empowering marginalized communities and individuals to participate in the global knowledge economy.
4. Improve decision-making: Open-source data and datasets provide real-time insights, enabling evidence-based decision-making and more effective policies.
1. Can AI even be open source? It’s complicated (ZDNet) (Aug 5, 2024)
2. Governments often struggle with massive new IT projects (NC Newsline) (7 hours ago — Sep 1, 2024)
3. Applying artificial intelligence for social good (McKinsey) (Nov 28, 2018)
4. Why open source is the cradle of artificial intelligence (ZDNet) (Oct 9, 2023)
Important Note: The content is based on recent research and analysis, and is subject to change as new information becomes available. The predictions made herein are for information purposes only and should not be considered as advice.
Provided by: LotusChain-Ai (
More resources:
Looking for powerful, cost-effective open-source data analytics tools? Explore this curated list of 11 tools for data exploration, visualization, machine learning, and more in 2024.
Want to find open, free datasets for your next project? Look no further. We’ve rounded up the best open data sources on the web here.
Most proprietary datasets prohibit the use of data for commercial purposes, which means you can’t use them if you’re looking to sell something based on that data, without obtaining express permission from the creator. As it can take quite a long time to obtain permission, it’s almost always better to go with one of the many open datasets available online.
Check out the 45 free datasets for data science projects for 2024. Also, find the types of datasets in data science which cover disciplines like data visualization, data processing etc.
In this post, we’ll walk through several types of data science projects, including data visualization projects, data cleaning projects, and machine learning projects, and identify good places to find datasets for each. Whether you want to strengthen your data science portfolio by showing that you can visualize data well, or you have a spare few hours and want to practice your machine …
We built Dataset Search in an attempt to create a tool that will positively impact the discoverability of data. The decision to rely on open standards (, W3C DCAT, JSON-LD, etc.) for markup is intentional, as Dataset Search can only be as good as the open-data ecosystem that it supports. As such, Google Dataset Search aims to support …
Open Data derives its base from various “open movements” such as open source, open hardware, open government, open science etc. Governments, independent organizations, and agencies have come forward to open the floodgates of data to create more and more open data for free and easy access.
Plan on using open data for your next project? Here are 50 open data sources on marketing, social media, science, healthcare, and much more.
Our commitment to open source and open data has led us to share datasets, services and software with everyone. For example, Google released the Open Images dataset of 36.5 million images containing nearly 20,000 categories of human-labeled objects. With this data, computer vision researchers can train image recognition systems.
Download Open Datasets on 1000s of Projects + Share Projects on One Platform. Explore Popular Topics Like Government, Sports, Medicine, Fintech, Food, More. Flexible Data Ingestion.
Racism fact: kaggle ban some countries because of their nationality, color skin, blood,… for example: Iranian people, 90 millions people only in Iran and approximately 20 millions outside of Iran.
Searching for your next data science project? Spark your inspiration with these top 10 public dataset resources — all completely free. Start now!
OpenfMRI: Other imaging data sets from MRI machines to foster research, better diagnostics, and training. It includes 95 datasets from 3372 subjects with new material being added as researchers make their own data open to the public. CT Medical Images: This one is a small dataset, but it’s specifically cancer-related.
Open Data Catalog. Provides a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables, reports, and other resources.
Here are our top 25 picks for open source machine learning datasets. Each one offers clean data with neat columns and rows so that your training sets run more smoothly.
Discover the top 15 open source data analytics tools in 2024. Learn about the best tools for data analysis and how they can benefit your business. Explore our comprehensive guide now.
Data Commons is using AI to make the world’s public data more accessible and helpful. Every moment, all around the world, governments, organizations, and many others are generating data on topics as widely varied as temperature, trade or rates of disease. It’s data that could be extraordinarily useful to understanding and addressing major …
More and more, certain types of data have started being considered a ‘public good’ which, when made available for use, reuse and free distribution can lead to better policy-making, better informed decisions, value creation and citizen-centric services. And this is how, Open Government Data philosophy and set of policies have also appeared.
Contributing to open-source is a great way to get experience working with large teams and code bases, engage with the developer community, add value to your resume and, most importantly, make real contributions to software you use or believe in. For beginners, the world of working on open-source projects can be understandably daunting.
12 Excellent Datasets for Data Visualization in 2022. Data visualization requires quality data just as much as any other project. Finding data visualization datasets can be frustrating, but these datasets offer excellent resources to support visualization projects of all kinds. Let’s explore the best data visualization datasets for 2022.
Tired of looking for the ultimate guide to sourcing the perfect datasets for data science projects? Look no further! This blog streamlines your search, guiding you toward the ideal datasets and accelerating your data science journey with ProjectPro’s innovative hands-on projects.